Tour Operators

Mentor a child to protect the threatened National Parks and Wildlife Reserves

Save Children Save Environment

Children Conservationists Programme (CCP Foundation) partners with Golden Trekkers Africa (GTA), a reputable registered tour and travel agency operating in East Africa. GTA aims at promoting conservation and sustainable tourism that ensures protection of nature and wildlife. Without the wildlife resources, there is no tourism hence the linkage of CCP and GTA

Hence the roles of the Tour Operators are:

  1. The tour operators spread the conservation message to tourists traveling to East Africa. Hence GTA tours not only focus on enjoyment of tour adventures but also support conservation efforts.
  2. Selling the national parks and wildlife reserves through different marketing channels of GTA and ICT mechanisms
  3. Participate in fundraising strategies for CCP projects, e.g proposal writing and designing campaigns that promote tourism and conservation.
  4. Networking and finding resourceful partnerships that promote tourism and conservation.
  5. Under CCP’s Community Empowerment Program establish business ideas that are beneficial to the communities around the national parks to raise their incomes.

Eric Adebayo, Canada

Eric is a director of Golden trekkers and a serial entrepreneur. He holds a bachelor degree in agricultural and natural resource economics, a masters in environmental law and policy, a masters in international and development economics, as well as a PhD in economics. He had a passion for tourism, economic development of developing nations, and environmental conservation.

Vincent Twagirayezu, Uganda

Vincent is the CEO of CCP and a Director of Golden Trekkers Africa. He has extensive experience in the tourism sector of over ten years. Vincent is a Tour Organizer at GTA


Alan Adebayo Director of Technology, USA

Alan holds two degrees in Information Technology as well as many technology certifications. He has a wealth of experience in IT and systems engineering. He is incharge of linking technology in conservation.

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