Community Empowerment Programme

Mentor a child to protect the threatened National Parks and Wildlife Reserves

Save Children Save Environment

Tourism, conservation, and community-based ecotourism are one the of key drivers of Uganda’s economy. CCP is introducing a resourceful Community Empowerment Program (CEP) that underscores its mission to conserve the national parks and wildlife reserves. The Community Program aims to implement activities that will improve the income of the communities living around the parks. The planned activities under the CEP include handicrafts making (basket weaving, and jewelry), dance and drumming lessons for entertainment groups, recycling of plastics and waste, agricultural tours and community guided hikes.

The target group is mostly parents of the schools already supported by CCP with priority given to women around the national parks of Uganda and Rwanda. This will be achieved through partnerships with the locals in the park communities, Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA), conservationists, as well as interested tourists visiting the region.

CCP will organize the women into associations and will be marketing their products locally and abroad. All this is aimed at boosting the local economy while combating illegal activities like poaching in the neighboring national parks and wildlife reserves. Consequently, the conservation of the national parks for the present and future generations will be guaranteed.

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