Conservation Network Ambassadors

Mentor a child to protect the threatened National Parks and Wildlife Reserves

Save Children Save Environment

CONSERVATION NETWORK AMBASSADORS  It is vital for the long-term success of conservation initiatives that strengthen links between people living in communities and the adjacent game reserves, building a connection between people and nature. This promotes empathy and understanding to develop between these two spheres and importantly, highlight opportunities for interested individuals to engage with wildlife and conservation. The conservation ambassadors do play a critical role in narrowing this gap and supporting conservation efforts. In order to support our aim of conservation we need to encourage children and young people to become familiar with wildlife, organizing practical actions and awakening their need to know more about them. Therefore, the CHILDREN CONSERVATIONISTS PROGRAMME has introduced conservation ambassadors who will be stationed in different parts of the world to add their voice on conservation of National Parks and Game Reserves. Roles of Conservation Network Ambassadors.

  • Spread the conservation message.
  • Mobilize the public to join CCP conservation efforts.
  • Promote the good image of CCP.
  • Connect CCP to like minded organizations across the globe.
  • Freely participate in ambassadors’ joint activities and any other activities of CCP.

CHILDREN CONSERVATIONISTS PROGRAMME is very privileged to have fantastic Conservation Network Ambassadors .

Mr. Dawa Tenzin, Bhutan, Asia
Mr. Dawa Tenzin healing from small village called “Sarjung”, under “Martshala Gewog”, district “Samdrup Jongkhar”, eastern part of Bhutan, presently and living in Thimphu Capital of Bhutan. Qualification class XII and diploma in practical accounting, worked as HR & Admin Manager, Tour operation Manager in Bhutan Snowcap Tours & Trekking (2012 – 2020) and more than 8 years in Recruitment and managing interviewing process, training, evaluation and assessment. Tour operations and administering trips to Bhutan for diversified clients across the world. I am also concerned about our innocent animals, environment, agriculture, climate & waste management.

Carmen Fenner:  Conservation Network Ambassador – Lucerne, Switzerland

Fascinated by natural science I became a laboratory assistant in chemistry. I worked first in Crop Protection and later in Animal Health Business. Currently I am employed in Bachem and I work with Peptides. I am a lover of any kind of animals since I was a child. My parents connected with nature and travelled a lot before my brother and I were born. They taught us respect towards any creature and took us several adventure vacations in the US, Europe and Africa. We had the honour to travel in many African countries. The most impressive ones to me are Kenya, Namibia, Botswana and South Africa due to their amazing wildlife. I travelled in almost all continents and admired nature and wildlife. I am also a passionate diver and I spent many hours under waters around the globe to observe the beauty of the underwater world. I also volunteered in nature projects and animal welfare. Wherever I went, I always had to witness the negative impact of humans on nature and wildlife. I am very sad about the systematically destruction of our planet and the killing of animals. I always encourage people to protect mother nature and wildlife for today and the future.

That’s how CCP comes into the game. We need to conserve wilderness and wildlife areas and I believe the best way to do it is to involve the future generations, children, into sustainable conservation. People tend to protect what they love and to groom children to love the environment and animals is the key to educate them to become conservationists rather than poachers. Silvia, a CCP board member encouraged me to become a conservation network ambassador to support and promote the CCP conservation efforts to protect nature and animal lives.

Marisa Pereira

Marisa Pereira – Conservation Network Ambassador, Portugal, USA & Germany

Marisa Pereira calls herself a world citizen who has lived in several countries, traveled around the world and speaks 6 languages fluently. Born in Portugal, she and her family moved to Germany when she was a young teenager. While her family still lives in Germany to this day, Marisa has lived, worked and studied in Belgium, Spain, the Czech Republic, the United States, and moved back to Germany in 2017. She holds a Master’s in Economy and Politics from the Charles University in Prague and a few additional higher education degrees from various universities in Portugal, Belgium and Spain. One of her passions is life long learning, but her biggest passions are human rights, animal rights and the protection of our environment. She was part of environmental demonstrations since she was 15 years old and she chose to write her Masters thesis about Environmental Refugees, something which was not discussed much back in the day. In her professional career, Marisa has worked in various global organizations in the Human Resources and Talent Management space. She found out about CCP and is honoured to join as a Network Ambassador to help spread the message of conservation of wildlife and national parks, which are part of a big puzzle to maintain environmental equilibrium on a longer run.


Alaster Alaster Spiers- Conservation Network Ambassador, Australia

Alaster is a creative director from the UK currently residing in Sydney, Australia. He has worked in the design and advertising industry for 18 years in the UK, USA, China, Indonesia and Australia. Throughout his career Alaster has worked for global brands such as Nike, Converse, Coke, Mercedes & British Airways along with charitable organisations such as Greenpeace, The Red Cross, Cancer Council & WWF. An awarded entrepreneur, Alaster currently runs a creative collaboration platform and consults with a new global Financial start-up who are creating a new barter currency for the developing world. Alaster’s love for conservation and wildlife brought him to Rwanda in 2007, where he met Vincent (Founder of Children Conservationists Programme & Co-director of Golden Trekkers) while gorilla trekking

Website Developer

MD. HASANURZZAMAN MOLLA –  Conservation Network ambassador in charge of IT,

conservation network ambassador in charge of IT– Web developer, Uganda

Currently working with an Web Developer at Softaid IT – Bangladesh Khulna Sadar. Conservation Network ambassador in charge of IT. I acquired my B.Sc. degree in Computer Science & and Engneering at – North Western University contribution in the implementation and enhancement of this field as I am currently undertaking IT incharge in the online abuses (Web Developer) in Uganda. I am now joining CCP to strengthen the conservation efforts of national parks and wildlife reserves. I value the environment and the conservation of its resources, that is what has driven me to CCP. As a conservation network ambassador, it is my wish that we work together to improve CCP’s information and communication platforms.

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