
Mentor a child to protect the threatened National Parks and Wildlife Reserves

Save Children Save Environment

What Do We Want to Do?

Our focus with the 1 BOOK, 1 PEN PER CHILD program is to try and provide erasers, books, pens, and pencils to school children that are within 10 km of the wildlife reserves and national parks in Rwanda and Uganda. For Uganda, we focus on the Bwindi Impenetrable National Parks, the Rwenzori Mountains National Parks, and Queen Elizabeth. In Rwanda we cover the Mukura-Giswati National Parks, Akagera, and Volcanoes National Park.

With the first 1 BOOK, 1 PEN PER CHILD project, we plan on assisting around 3000 children from both countries. Thanks to your help and support, this can be just the beginning. We plan to expand and help as many children as possible that live within these regions. The possibilities are indeed limitless, and all we can do is to pursue them and avail of all the possible opportunities. We are firm believers that with the right amount of support, nothing can stand in our way.

Conserving these amazing resources is extremely important, and we believe that the power of education can really make a huge difference. It is imperative to try and take action right now

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