Nyungwe Forest National

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Nyungwe Forest National Park lies in the southern province of Rwanda, bordering Burundi to the south then Lake Kivu and the DRC to the west. This rain forest is apparently claimed to be the most preserved in the entire Central Africa. Despite being far away, most travelers opt to combine a visit to Nyungwe with a Rwanda gorilla tours experience in Volcanoes National Park.

Nyungwe Forest National Park was born in 2004 and covers a total estimate area of approximately 960 square kilometers with majority of it being rain forest cover. The other kinds of cover include bamboo, swamps and grassland. This safari park is a top destination and one you shouldn’t miss out on whilst on your Rwanda safaris.

Animal life

Nyungwe forest shelters a wide variety of animal species which gives it a big consideration for conservation in Africa. The park shelters over 10 diverse primate species, over 270 species of birds, over 1000 species of plants, over 80 species of mammals plus other animals. The estimate of endemic species that live in Nyungwe are far greater than the ones in any other forest along the Albertine Rift Mountains that have undergone survey. Nyungwe Forest reaches a maximum altitude of 3000 meters above sea level.

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