Word From the Founder CCP

Mentor a child to protect the threatened National Parks and Wildlife Reserves

Save Children Save Environment

Vincet Twagirayezu

Dear friends,
We believe in conservation, not only because it protects native plants, birds, and animals, but also because it protects us. Conservation of national parks and wildlife reserves is central for a country’s sustainable development. CCP strives to see wildlife protected in their natural habitat with active involvement of the children living within 10kms of National Parks and Wildlife Reserves of Uganda and Rwanda.
Our slogan is:
‘Mentor a child to protect the threatened National Parks and Wildlife Reserves’

Save Children – Save Environment

Working in wildlife sanctuaries for over seven years inspired me to pursue the conservation work and captured me for the next chapter of my professional journey—the protected areas of Uganda and Rwanda

I would like to encourage all of you to join the activities of CCP and become a supporter of this noble initiative. With your support and the solidarity, we can achieve even more.

Thank you for your support!

Make a gift to protect Africa’s most vulnerable species.
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