
Mentor a child to protect the threatened National Parks and Wildlife Reserves

Save Children Save Environment


CHILDREN CONSERVATIONISTS PROGRAMME(CCP Foundation) supports Children to create Environmental Clubs in the selected schools within 10kms of Akagera National Park in Rwanda, Queen Elizabeth and Bwindi National Parks in Uganda. The environmental clubs are formed with an objective of raising awareness on environmental conservation especially the adjacent National Parks. Among the activities of the environmental clubs is tree planting in different communities around the parks, interschool debates on motions directed to conservation. We provide tree seedlings that are distributed to the environmental clubs for planting in areas near the parks. This is meant to offset the lost tree cover but also combat climate change. The environmental clubs also conduct exchange visits to different schools and communities to learn about conservation of forests and national parks. The environmental clubs not only work with schools but also non-school going population. Golden Trekkers Africa empowers village environmental clubs for communal conservation activities.


The CHILDREN CONSERVATIONISTS PROGRAMME (CCP Foundation)creates awareness on the conservation of national parks through music dance and drama. Music, dance and drama is a very entertaining way of communicating a message. We work with local drama groups and mentors the youth and selected schools near the National Parks of Uganda and Rwanda to form music dance and drama groups that compose songs and write drama scripts about conservation. The drama groups are both for school going and non school going children.

CHILDREN CONSERVATIONISTS PROGRAMME(CCP Foundation) supports Children to create sports teams around Uganda and Rwanda National parks with the objective of sensitizing the communities on conserving the national parks. In Rwanda, 2 soccer teams for the youth living in 10kms of Akagera National Park consist of the Lions FC from the Eastern part of the Park and Buffalo FC from the Western side of the Park. In Uganda, the soccer teams consist of Lions FC from Queen Elizabeth national Park and Gorillas FC from Bwindi Impenetrable National park. We organise competitions between the teams and invite different conservationists to talk about conservation of the Environment.


The aim of the soccer competitions is to sensitize people living near the parks on the importance of conserving the biodiversity around them. Each football team comprises 23 footballers. These players are supported with sports attire branded with conservation messages.

CHILDREN CONSERVATIONISTS PROGRAMME(CCP Foundation) supports children living within 10kms of the national parks of Uganda and Rwanda to attain basic education that can make them confident and self-sufficient in order to reduce the pressure on our national parks and game reserves. CHILDREN CONSERVATIONISTS PROGRAMME(CCP Foundation) provides this support through providing scholastic materials branded with conservation messages to aid their studying process. When children around these nature reserves are not educated, they end up encroaching on the parks, poaching and cutting down forests which is destructive to the environment.

The CHILDREN CONSERVATIONISTS PROGRAMME(CCP Foundation) is supporting 2000 pupils from 3 National Parks of Uganda and Rwanda as follows; In Uganda, we selected 2 primary schools that is, 1 school near Queen Elizabeth National Park and the other from Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park. These 2 schools have a total population of 1000 pupils. In Rwanda, 2 schools from around Akagera National Park were also selected with a total population of 1000 pupils. One school was selected from the East and the other selected from the West of Akagera National Park. The Programme is supporting the 2000 pupils with scholastic materials to ease their education.

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