Mission, Vision, Objectives & Values

Mentor a child to protect the threatened National Parks and Wildlife Reserves

Save Children Save Environment

CCP Foundation is a non-profit organization supported by a tour and travel company called Golden Trekkers Africa and other well-wishers who aim at facilitating sustainable conservation through empowerment, leadership development, and educational support for the children and the youth within 10km of national parks and Wildlife reserves of Uganda and Rwanda. Insight, care and commitment are required to conserve Uganda and Rwanda’s virgin wilderness and wildlife areas. If we are to ensure that these places continue to exist – in this generation and those to come – we need the children and the youth within the borderline of the national parks and wildlife reserves in Uganda, Rwanda and Africa in general to conserve these resources. CCP Foundation was launched in August 2018 and operates in Uganda and Rwanda. CCP Foundation is aimed at raising generations of children that love and are conscious about conserving the national parks and Wildlife Reserves around them. We target children between the ages of 3-22 years and mentor them to love and conserve the national parks and wildlife reserves around them. The schools we target are within 10kms of National Parks and Wildlife Reserves. We also work with school youth dropouts in the park communities to support them acquire skills that can enable them start businesses instead of depending on the protected areas near them.

An empowered community that is responsive to the conservation of biodiversity.
To nurture children into conservationists who are inspired to care of national parks and game reserves for the future generation.


  • Protection and restoration of the national parks and game reserves.
  • Children driven.
  • Accountability and transparency
  • Respect for human and wild life dignity.
  • Equity and equality.

The Objectives

The strategic objectives of the CCP are:

  • To build capacities and strengthen measures of national parks and game reserves conservation.
  • To promote the economic and educational needs of the vulnerable children and youth in the conservation areas where CCP works.
  • To reduce and manage negative impacts on national parks and game reserves.
  • To promote the sustainable use and equitable sharing of costs and benefits from national parks and game reserves.
  • To enhance awareness on biodiversity/conservation issues among the various stakeholders.
  • To facilitate research, information management and information exchange on biodiversity.
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